The Top Five Computer Technology Industry Associations You Should Know About


Computer technology has become an essential part of modern society, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Every aspect of society relies on computer technology at some point, whether it’s in schools, the home, the workplace or government, and that means the computer technology industry is one of the biggest in the world.

Whether you’re interested in working in this industry yourself or just want to stay informed about it, you should know about these five that have been around the longest and have most effectively represented the interests of their members.

Association for Computing Machinery

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is one of the top computer technology industry associations out there. ACM members include educators, researchers, and professionals who work in information technology. The organization has a few different levels of membership, including student members, individual members, and corporate members.

Individual membership costs $150/year or $120/year for students and includes free access to all ACM publications online, discounts on ACM events, discounted registration fees for conferences, plus more benefits. Corporate membership starts at $500/year with a number of different benefits depending on the size of the company. Some of these benefits include discounts on webinars, conferences, and other ACM-related products.

Individual members also get discounted rates for registering at major conferences like SIGGRAPH Asia Pacific (SAAP), the European Conference on Mobile Systems & Applications – MobiSys Europe 2017, or CHI 2015: International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. If you are interested in becoming an individual member or if you have any questions about ACM’s different levels of membership then visit their website today!

IEEE Computer Society

IEEE is a professional association for engineers, scientists, and students with interest in computing. They work to expand the usefulness of computers to make life better for people. IEEE is one of the top computer technology industry associations you should know about because they offer many resources for their members, including journals, conferences, and scholarships.

They also provide a way for professionals to stay up-to-date on technological advancements through their publications and research databases. The IEEE Computer Society has been around since 1963 and has more than 100 chapters throughout the world. Their membership consists of academic, government, industrial, and student members.

NCRAA: NCRAA is an organization that was founded in 1972 as the National Association for Retired Electronics Engineers (NARE). It now stands for National Council on Radiological Protection & Measurements (NCRP&M) and offers standards related to safe use of radiation sources. Their membership includes representatives from industry groups such as ANSI/IEEE Standards Association and ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC2 WG4 Radioactive Sources Subcommittee.

Computing Research Association

The Computer Technology Industry Associations is a not-for-profit organization that supports the advancement of computing in research and education, and recognizes individuals for their contributions to the field. The CRA accomplishes its mission by: Promoting excellence in computing research and education; Collecting, distributing, and publishing data on trends in computing;

Engaging with policymakers at all levels of government to advocate for an environment conducive to research and innovation; Serving as a forum for communication among computing researchers, educators, industry leaders, policy makers, and other stakeholders who share an interest in the future of computing. Learn more about this association here.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): Founded in 1884, IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional society representing over 400,000 members from nearly 200 countries. IEEE provides globally recognized standards for electric power systems, magnetic resonance imaging devices, technology’s defense and security applications, wireless communications devices and much more.

IEEE does this by delivering significant value to society through publications; conferences; continuing education programs for engineers; certifications such as standards development and management system assessment; professionl engineering qualifications such as designation program assessments and reports on emerging technology opportunities or threats from peer review boards made up of experienced experts from a variety of disciplines including scientists, engineers and industry representatives.

Data Processing Management Association

Founded in 1983, the Association for Information Systems (AIS) is one of the most reputable computer technology associations. AIS strives to be at the forefront of information systems education and research by promoting the highest quality standards of professionalism and scholarship. Computer Technology Industry Associations provides conferences, publications, and resources that address current issues in information systems.

If you are interested in joining this association as a student or professional, you can find more information on their website. -Association for Enterprise Architects: Started in 1999, the Association for Enterprise Architects offers a variety of services to help professionals across all industries build successful enterprise architecture programs. EAAPubs is the group’s flagship publication which delivers insights from experts on enterprise architecture topics.

-Computer Society: Established in 1946, The IEEE Computer Society has over 80,000 members globally and conducts research to create technologies that will transform business and society while also advocating high ethical standards among its membership.

Association for Information Systems

Founded in 1982, the International Association for Information Systems (IAIS) is a global non-profit organization that brings together academic researchers in computer science and related disciplines with practitioners from industry and commerce.

IAIS provides a forum where researchers can present their latest research findings, while industry representatives can offer new products or solutions that are developed based on these findings. The IAIS sponsors two conferences annually, namely the ACM/IEEE Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM/SAC),

Which has been held every year since 1981 and is one of the world’s leading venues for presenting research results in computing technology to business and society; as well as the ACM European Conference on Information Systems (Euro-CIS).