GB WhatsApp Update – How Does It Work – Is It Safe to Use

What is GBWhatsapp App?
What is GBWhatsapp App?

GBWhatsApp Pro, a popular mod of the WhatsApp Messenger Application, is available. This mod adds many features to the official WhatsApp app including custome font style, DND mode, auto reply, downloading status of others, hiding your online, endless themes, anti-revoked and much more. This section will provide information about GB WhatsApp Download features and download links for Android devices.

As of February 22, 2002, more than 500 million people use GBWhatsApp pro. This is a large number. The Amazing Mod Features are the main reason for its popularity. This app is a credit to the developer. GB WhatsApp Pro offers many benefits to its users.


DND Mode

It comes with an integrated Do Not Disturb mode. If you’re using another app on your Android phone, and don’t want to be disturbed by Whatsapp messages, you can use DND to disable the internet connection.


It comes with an Anti-revoke message feature. This means that even if someone sends any type or message, and then deletes everyone, you can still see the deleted messages by default. This feature is also available in FM Whatsapp, You can download this app and enjoy its all features.


Broadcast text messages can be sent to groups, which is an amazing feature.

Send Maximum Pictures

You can also send more than 90 photos at once, which is a significant advantage over official Whatsapp. You can also send a 50 MB video clip or a 100 Mb audio clip to your contact.

Your status is hidden

You can check and download the status of your friend at any time. However, if you don’t want to let them know that they have seen their status, you can do so with one click.

High Quality Image Quality

Doccumnet Option is used for images that need to be sent in Origanl Quality. Now GBWhatsApp Pro allows you to send images in the highest quality.

Download Status

Another amazing feature is the ability to download photos and videos from statuses that have been uploaded by other contacts.

Filter messages

The GB WhatsApp Pro APK includes the Filter Messages function. This allows the user to clear chat and filter messages.

WhatsApp Plus

AlexMods created WhatsApp Plus after noticing flaws in mods by Heymods and XDA. The mod has all of the errors and bugs fixed. This mod was created by developers who tried to provide all functions and features to users during chatting.

Mini Features

  • Anti-Ban
  • DND Mod
  • Theme Store
  • Privacy Options
  • Freeze the Last Seen
  • Emojis & Stickers
  • Status Downloader
  • Backup and restore
  • Hidden View Statuses
  • Anti Delete Messages

Download the Latest Version of GB WhatsApp Pro Apk

WhatsApp Mods GBWA Pro, a non-official WhatsApp version, allows you to hide double blue checks or last connection time and many other features. Material Mod offers tons of features, including customization, themes, conversation locks, privacy mods, and more.

Download Fouad Whatsapp Latest Version.

Is GBWhatsApp Pro safe?

It uses the original WhatsApp API for sending messages and calling. Your Chats will be safe because there is no interference by any third party.

Can GBWhatsApp Ban a Banned WhatsApp account?

There is no difference between Official and GB WhatsApp regarding the Account Ban.

Although there are many sites that offer the same Apk file on Google, our site offers unique advantages such as sharing multiple versions of GBWhatsApp from different developers.