Astrological analysis of love, marriage, and relationships


Marriage is an important bond in everyone’s life. It is great to know what is going to happen in the future in this journey of life. Astrology is a great help to know the marriage prediction in life. When you can’t decide whether it’s love or compromise what to do and whether this relationship is suitable for you or not. All these questions can be answered by professional astrologers in astrology and can help you in knowing about the important aspects of marriage in your life. This will help you a lot to know what is going to happen in your future and what will be good for you in the future to enjoy a happy married life.

Arranged marriage and love marriage have been a part of Indian society for thousands of years. Arranged marriages have been a part of our rich culture where the parents of the boy and girl make the final decision. Horoscope matching is also done during this process. Nowadays no one wants to spend their life with someone else’s chosen partner. They love to fall in love and spend time with each other and understand nature and also want to know if they can stay together for life.

Arranged Marriage

There are many things related to marriage. There are many good and inauspicious things in marriage. Vedic astrology says that it is a good thing for the family to be involved in the marriage and their wish for you. When a person leaves the question of his marriage to the family, it is called an arranged marriage. Parivar finds the right person for you, who matches your family values, profession, and understanding of life. And after that, they match the horoscope and planetary constellations of both people to see how this relationship will go. This will give you an idea of compatibility with your partner. You can take marriage predictions by date of birth for proper guidance in your settled married life. Like whether the selected person is compatible with you or not and whether your married life will be good or not. Everything is answered in astrology consultation. Organizing a wedding is not easy and not everyone’s cup of tea. Before taking a step forward in life, you have to pay attention to every aspect of it. Your married life journey is based on your zodiac sign and the choices you make for your married life.

Love Marriage

A marriage in which you find your partner alone without family participation. It is based on the relationship between individuals and their preferences. And it works on your terms, and how you take it. Sometimes there are major issues like family, caste, finance, kundli dosha, and many other issues in a love marriage. To sort things out or get answers about them, consult a love marriage expert for proper guidance and information about how this marriage will work out, and whether it will last. And if there are any problems, or how to solve them, all these things will be answered by a love marriage specialist who will help guide your life in the right direction for a happy married life. It is very important to choose the right married life partner for yourself and even more important is that there should be love and honesty in marriage and if you prove it for a long time then it will make your married life happier than before.

Different Combinations for Arranged Marriages

  • If the lords of the second, seventh, and eleventh houses and houses are under the influence of the Sun or Moon, then the chances of arranged marriage are highest. 
  • Arranged marriages and possibilities arise when the lord of the 7th house is situated in the 8th, 10th, 11th, or 12th house, while the lord of the Ascendant.
  • In marriage astrology, there is a possibility of arranged marriage when the lord of the ascendant is placed in the 9th house and the lord of the 9th house is making conjunction with the lord of the 10th house in the 10th house. But if the lord of the ascendant does not conjoin with the lord of the seventh house then the possibility of arranged marriage increases.

Different Combinations for Love Marriage

  • Arranged Marriage, various planetary combinations will help you in predicting love marriage as per your date of birth. Some possibilities of love marriage in marriage astrology are listed below.
  • Suppose Venus and Saturn are in a strong position with Mars in your horoscope; There is a possibility of your love marriage.
  • If the lord of the 7th house is situated in the 1st, 5th, or 12th house, it indicates that you will marry someone who was close to you and yet not romantically associated with you during that time.
  • Note: If Venus and Mars are together, you may be involved in multiple relationships or marriages.
  • Moreover, as per marriage astrology, if the planet Venus is afflicted and in sight relation with Saturn and Mars, it means that you will have a marriage of your choice.

Role of other planets in marriage

Sun: Sun is a symbol of ego. The Sun is often used in artistic depictions to represent power and dominance over others. When it comes to marriage, the couple should not have the Sun in a bad position in their horoscope. Such a position of Sun will adversely affect their desire for relationships, understanding, and adjustment.

Saturn: Saturn is the most intimidating planet in all of astrology. It is a naturally inauspicious planet and is notorious for creating delays and obstructions at every opportunity. Similarly, inauspicious Saturn can cause delays in marriage and dullness in married life. This can affect the element of trust between the husband and wife which will ultimately result in them moving away from each other physically and emotionally.

Rahu: The shadow planet Rahu is behind the passion in individuals. Rahu sitting in a bad position can alienate you from relationships and can also cause breakups. 

Ketu: The second shadow planet Ketu creates renunciation in the person. When Ketu is in a bad position, the person may gradually become dissatisfied with the relationship. The person will be distracted and oblivious to the partner’s emotional and physical needs. Due to the inauspicious effects of Ketu, the element of love and romance in married life will be reduced.

Mercury: The effect of Mercury on married life is mild. Mercury in a good position opens the doors of communication in relationships. However, too much rationalization will take away the individual’s ability to engage in romance, which may ultimately result in the marriage breaking down.


Marriage is one of the most important stages of life and to make married life successful, it is very important to make decisions related to it with complete care and honesty. Choose your path and partner under the guidance of knowledgeable astrologers. While turning to the best astrologer, you can always think of none other than Chirag Daruwala who is chosen by the celebrities. If you are also facing any problem related to marriage then you can take an Online Astrology Consultation.