Information Related to Beetroot Cultivation in India

Information Related to Beetroot Cultivation in India

Beetroot is a fruit which can be consumed as a vegetable after cooking or without cooking. Its fruits are found inside the ground, and beetroot leaves are used as vegetables. Doctors also recommend consuming beetroot to cure anaemia, indigestion, constipation, anaemia, cancer, heart disease, gall bladder disorders, piles and kidney disorders. Moreover, Mahindra Jivo 365 is a suitable tractor model for farmers and it offers top notch features. 

Soil Requirement 

Sandy loam soil is required for sugar beet cultivation. Therefore, its cultivation should not be done in waterlogged land. In the event of waterlogging, a problem like fruit rot arises. P.H. of land in sugar beet cultivation. The value should be between 6 to 7.

Climate & Temperature

Cold regions are considered suitable for sugar beet cultivation, and the winter season is considered very good for the development of its plants. The sugar beet crop does not require much rainfall, due to which excess rain can affect its yield. Sugar beet plants need an average temperature to germinate, and 20 degrees is considered suitable for its development.

Field Preparation

Before starting the sugar beet crop, its field should be prepared well. After this, the field should be left open for some time so that the soil gets sunlight properly. Since beetroot plants grow on the surface of the land, and their roots are not able to absorb mineral substances in greater depth, therefore, while preparing the beetroot field, a good amount of fertiliser should be given.

By putting 15 carts of old cow dung manure in the ploughed field, do two to three oblique ploughing through the cultivator and mix the waste well in the soil. The manure in the ground, the field should be ploughed by applying water. 

Plough the field by planting a stake so that the land will become flat and there will be no problems like water logging. Preparing the area, the med should be prepared for planting sugar beet plants. Nitrogen 40 KG, Phosphorus 60 KG and 80 KG of Potash should be sprinkled per hectare for chemical fertiliser in the sugar beet field at the last ploughing.

Planting Method 

The cold climate is considered appropriate for the planting of beet seeds. For this, its sources should be planted in October and November. In producing the seeds, one should buy an advanced variety of sugar beet seeds and treat them before planting them, reducing the risk of plant diseases. About 8 kg of sources is required in a one-hectare field.

Planting of sugar beet seeds can be done on both flat and med land. For planting on flat ground, beds should be prepared by keeping a proper distance in the field, keeping a length of one foot in these beds, and seeds being sown in rows. In this, a distance of one foot between each row and each source should be planted at a distance of 20 to 25 cm. Suppose you want to plant its seeds in the meadow. Make sure to keep a distance of one foot between the sources of each med and 15 cm between each seed.


Sugar beet plants need moisture to germinate well. That’s why its first irrigation should be done immediately after planting the seeds, and after seed germination, the amount of water should be reduced. Irrigation should be done in 10 days to save the sugar beet plants from waterlogged conditions. Also, the Mahindra Yuvo 575 tractor has top class features which makes it appropriate for all kinds of farming. 

Weed Control

Chemical and natural methods are used to control weeds on sugar beet plants. To prevent the weed from chemically, you should spray the appropriate amount of pendimethalin immediately after seed planting. After this, fewer weeds appear in the field. If you want to do weed control in the area naturally, you should do weeding after 15 to 20 days of seed planting. After this, weeding should be done from time to time when weeds are seen in the field.

Digging Method 

Sugar beet plants are ready to yield in three to four months. When its fruits ripen, the leaves of the plants appear yellow. At that time, its fruits should be excavated; before digging the fruits, some water should be applied in the field so that it becomes easy while extract the fruits from the ground. After exploring the fruits, wash them thoroughly and clean the soil. After this, they should be dried well in a shady place and ready to sell in the market.


Sugar beet plants yield 150 to 300 quintals per hectare based on different varieties. The market price of beetroot varies between 20 to 50 rupees depending on the array and fruit. Farmer brothers can earn two to three lakhs by cultivating sugar beet in a one-hectare field.