The Effects Of Other Kids In A Kid’s Learning Process

Kid's Learning Process

It is very natural for a kid to imitate other kids; it is solely because kids pick up things quickly. A kid may try to copy another kid and succeed. This behavior of a kid may be recognized as “observational learning.” A kid may observe and act how he pleases. 

Therefore, children are encouraged to make friends at young ages to learn from each other. It is a natural intuition that if observing between two kids does not work out; then they may try to copy each other by practically doing the same things.

This article will look at the behaviors of kids and the effects of other kids on a kid’s learning. Parents can benefit from this article because after reading this, they will have a clear idea of what steps to use and what to avoid. 

Note that these are the emotional instincts of kids that allow them to have this unwanted attention towards each other. This affection may lead to:

  • Sharing helps children make and keep friends and cooperate with people.
  • Children get better at sharing as they learn to manage emotions and see other points of view.
  • Help children learn to communicate by praising, sharing, and giving them opportunities to practice.

Kids share at different ages. For example, a toddler may share his food with another kid; a preschooler may share his notes with another class fellow, and a teen may share his contact information with another teen. Sharing is a natural aspect that cannot break easily. The question is how things are shared in mind. 

Sharing is crucial to getting along with others, so it becomes more critical when your child starts having playdates and going to childcare, preschool, or kindergarten. A kid’s learning process is also dependent on this factor. 

There are certain things to be careful of when two kids are interacting with each other. The factors are:

  1. Kids mental ability
  2. Interests
  3. Needs
  4. Ages
  5. Motivation and willpower

Note that all the factors are interlinked with each other. So, these factors must be followed in a kid’s learning process for better learning and understanding.

Kids Mental Ability

It is required that the mental abilities of two different kids must be different. If two or more kids with the same cognitive skills are in a group, there are chances that they might not work as a team, and each kid then would work with their kids as possible. This way, kids won’t learn anything from each other and will be deprived of social interaction. 

Kids of different mental abilities should form a group to work on a task. This way, a strong-minded kid can help a weak-minded kid, and they can become friends. This will reduce the chances of no teamwork and increase the ratio of friends in a group.


Once the abilities are aligned, kids in a group must be interested in their assigned task. If any student lacks interest, it will cause rifts among the group, and there will be enemies more than friends. Attraction is important to build trust, honor and loyalty, and a sense of responsibility to each other. 

Kids having the same interests will work proficiently. More results can be seen can find more and more solutions to a typical problem, and in turn, this will affect the grading of kids, with each kid receiving good or reasonable grades. 


It is recommended that during a kid’s learning process, all of his needs must be taken care of. If any need for a kid or kids are left untaken care of, it may disrupt and lead to conflicts and fights. Parents and teachers, especially in schools, must remember that all kids are equal and should get the same treatment. 


It is one of the most important factors as it is obligatory for parents and kids to make kids of the same age interact with each other. Kids of different ages may not understand each other. For example, a six-year-old kid might be able to sing ABC properly, but a three-year-old kid will face difficulty. Kids of different ages won’t help each other, so both the kids must be of the same group to understand and comprehend each other

Motivation And Willpower

This section is vital for parents as they need to see which kids have the same willpower and motivation. If a kid lacks motivation and will, no matter what we do, he won’t understand and learn things. Because there is no clutch in a kid, he won’t succeed in his life and will fail desperately at the tasks he is assigned. 

Kids with the same motivation and willpower are encouraged to form a group to affect each other’s learnings. It will result in kids learning from each other and trying new things. 

Once all the factors have been linked, a kid is ready to face situations and help each other.

This article prescribes that parents use apps to enhance their kids’ abilities and strengths. These apps are:

  • Consonant words for kids

Consonant Words For Kids 

Knowing the consonant and vowels are the essential steps after learning the sequence of the alphabet. While building vocabulary and pronunciation build confidence, the hands-on experience with consonants and vowels boost phonetic, reading, and writing skills. The consonant words app allows kids to learn and pronounce the varied expressions of the two and three-letter phrases. This app covers kindergarten CVC words and other vocabulary applicable to the fourth-grade student. 

This app stands out from the rest by providing a combination of real-life pictures and illustrations of each word to make it easy to understand. Once the word forms, the image appears to know what it looks like and how it sounds. Your child will not get confused between illustrated and real-life photos!

Some features of this app are:

  1. 14 Categories 84 Essential Words
  2. Teacher Proofread Content
  3. High-Quality Images
  4. Studio Quality Voiceover
  5. Stars for progress tracking
  6. Interactive & Animated 
  7. Clean & Attractive Interface


After reading this article, parents can know the factors hindering their kids’ learning abilities and what factors create these problems. The report also gives solutions in the shape of 2 apps that affect a kid’s learning at an early age. The article also states that parents and teachers must make sure that kids are interacting with each other to build trust and friendships, which may help them later in life.
