When Talk to You Soon Means Good-Bye Forever

Woman wearing white t-shirt holding paper card bubble. Coming soon message on speech bubble.

Talk to you soon has become one of the world’s most generic and misunderstood phrases, with wide-ranging interpretations and uses. While it can be used as an attempt at ending a conversation, it can also mean I’ll get back to you on that later, or even I have nothing to say right now. The common thread throughout all these meanings, however, is that the speaker does not intend to follow through with what he or she says.

A Look at the History of Talk to You Soon

Traditionally, when people said Talk to you soon, it often meant I will not be responding for the foreseeable future and if I do, it may be in a vague way. The use of this phrasing was so popular that we started seeing messages like: Copy-Paste-Emails Team. Talk To You Sons. Get On with It Already, etc. In other words, talk to you soon could mean nothing more than I’m still alive. Today, however, there is a second meaning which indicates goodbye forever or the end. There are several instances where one person says they will talk to someone later only to never respond again. These include breaking up with their partner or abandoning a family member with mental illness.

Talk to you soon as casual farewell in emails

It’s always sad when someone you know goes away and talks to you soon is all they have left. It can feel like a copy pasta farewell message from your team or a generic, robotic sentence that doesn’t quite fit the situation. Copy-Paste emails Team (Team: A group of people who work together for a specific purpose)

The problem with talk soon

With the advent of email, it has become a cliche that when people don’t have time or motivation to reply, they’ll say talk soon. But what if talk soon means goodbye forever? It’s not uncommon for people’s emails to be copied and pasted, with no editing or personalization. This can lead to confusion and hurt feelings when the recipient thinks they are being ignored. To avoid this problem altogether, you might want to start using Copy Paste Emails Team (CPET). With CPET, your emails will automatically go out with a personalized greeting at the top. This way the recipient will know who sent them the message. And if you’re too busy for a more in-depth reply at first glance, you can always send one later on.

How Do People Respond When They Hear Talk To You Soo…

People often say talk to you soon when they really mean goodbye forever. I would argue that this is the most common use of the phrase. Saying talk to you soon is an easy way of saying goodbye without having to admit that it’s a goodbye. When someone says talk to you soon, they’re essentially saying, I’ll call you in six months. It’s an avoidance technique. It lets both parties avoid the awkwardness and sadness of saying goodbye. The phrase has become so common, in fact, that it’s not even necessary for one person in a conversation to say it for the other person know what they mean by it.

Phrases we can say instead
  1. I’ll call you back soon.
  2. I’ll text you later.
  3. Let’s talk on the phone soon.
  4. Let’s chat soon!
  5. I’ll email you later.
  6. We should catch up soon!
  7. Text me when you’re free and we can talk then.